Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Short Films

The Black Hole

The Black Hole is directed by two British film directors 'Phil and Olly'.
The story is a tired office worker, who is photocopying, the machine prints a black hole on a piece of paper. He then puts his arm through it to steal from a vending machine. He then walks to a door that says KEEP OUT, he uses the black hole to unlock the door from the inside. He then walks to the office safe, stick the paper on the safe and empties the cash from within. At the end there is a comic twist when the office worker gets stuck in the office safe.
The Black Hole's genre would have to be comedy. This is because of its ending.
In this short film the directors uses a blue filter lense which makes the picture look a gray, blue colour. This effect makes the office seem incredibly dull which enhances the stereotype of office life.There is no speech or music in this short film only sound effects such as the photocopier.
I like this short film, as I find that it draws the viewer in and the fact that the audience knows exactly what is going on without the use of sound. This shot film also has a comical twist to the end that is quite unexpected and can be interpreted in many different ways. These factors along with liking the film are the reasons for using it as an example for my blog and for my own research.


This short film is called Bitch and it is directed by Dom Bridges.It is also a comedy.This has the same Narrative that Todorov used:
beginning: man buying tuna
Middle: woman approaches him (point of attack)
End: Realisation
The picture is light and bright and there is over the shoulder camera movements. Music is also used in the film and it is very carming, relaxed and happy. I love the attention to detail in this short film and I particularly like the titles at the begging on the convayer belt and also the end credits made to look like a till recite. I also like the comedy and general story line of this short film.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Research For My Short Film

1. What is an Auter ?

An Auter is a filmmaker/director who has a personal style whilst retaining creative control over there work, making it recognisable. For example Steven Spielberg.

2. What is Cinema Verite ?

Cinema verite is a movie that shows ordinary people in being filmed doing everyday tasks in normal everyday situations, often using a hand-held camera. This is a lot like reality television or a documentary.

3. What is Avant-Garde Film ?

Avant-Grade film is when cinema describes a range of film making in different styles, which, for instants is very different to documentary film making.

4. What is film Noir ?

Film Noir is french for black film. It is used to describe stylish hollywood crime dramas that show eccentric attitudes and sexual motivations. This was mainly used in the early 1940's to late 1950's.

5. What is French New Wave About ?

French new wave was a term coined by critics of a group of French filmmakers of the late 1950s and 1960s. It was influenced by Italian Neorealism and Hollywood cinema.French new wave uses tight budgets and uses jump cuts to shorten the fottage.