Monday, December 27, 2010

Location Photographs

These are our location photography of where we will be shooting our media product. They are of the corner shop that we found and asked permission to film in, as it represents a typical independent connivence store. The other location photographs are of the ally way next to the corner shop which we chose as it is quiet and secluded so we agreed that the mugging should take place there. the rest of the photos are of my grandmas flat where we placed our main character, Fred.
They are all taken on my iPhone 4's HD camera, which is a new technology, and for its size, portability and quality, I think that is great works very well.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Index Cards

Shooting Schedule

This is our shooting schedule, it is very much like our production schedule. Telling us what we are filming on each day and what characters and props are in each scene.

Cast List

Here is all our cast for our film. We have used photographs that make our cast look like their characters.

Scene intentions

Scene intentions are what we expect the main character to achieve in each scene.

Production Schedule

This is our production schedule for our film 'FEAR' It tell us which scenes we are shooting and on which days.

Final draft of script

this is our final draft of our script. we created it on Celtex which is a program that allows you to create a script and helps organise filming.

First draft of script with notes

This is our first version of our script. I spoke to my teacher and wrote notes and decided the changes that needed to be made.